Dan Blackman
What difficulties did you face at the beginning of your career?
Never feeling satisfied. I found myself more often than not feeling disconnected from my job and not enjoying myself. I jumped from agency to agency getting my ass kicked and working long nights until things started to click.
What should a young designer do in order not to get hired by anybody?
Be an asshole, have an ego and care too much about the internet.
Remember you are a GRAPHIC DESIGNER and just because you worked at a ‘Pentagram’ or for a big name designer doesn’t mean you’re a celebrity. Be honest, be moral and be down to earth.
Are there any things you wish you knew at the beginning of your career?
Yes, that Germany was going to win the World Cup this year.
Are there any rules or habits that help you do your job more efficiently?
Creating a daily schedule and sticking to it. Figuring out what I have to do that day to make myself feel good, and doing it.
Would you recommend some books that young designers might find useful?
Yes, anything that isn’t a design book.
Dan answered the questions on July 14, 2014.
The answers were published on July 15, 2014.